
With your constant threats directed at popular public figures the extent of your anger has been made clear to us, the evilness of your intent breaks through your guise as a religion of peace. Anonymous has therefore decided that your religion should be attacked in the same way that you feel compelled to attack others, for the safety of the accused individuals, for the good of mankind, for the lulz. We shall expel your presence from the Internet and systematically dismantle what remains. We acknowledge you as a serious opponent, and we are prepared for a long, long campaign. You will not prevail forever against the angry masses of the body politic, your methods of hostility and aggression are your own death knell.

You cannot hide; we are everywhere

Yet for all that we are not as monstrous as you are; still our methods are a parallel to your own. Doubtless you will use the Anon’s actions as an excuse to continue your acts of revengeful hostility. Any continuation of this means would only serve to prove our point. You cannot persecute an idea.

Gradually, we we merge our pulse with that of your speech, the ruse which you have sought to create, this new revolution will become increasingly difficult to reach. The general public will see your acts for what they are, a desperate act by a desperate people. An attempt to suppress that what you fear most, the idea of free speech in a free society. The idea of an equal right for an equal person. There is no tyranny here.

Knowledge is free.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Interesting indeed.  I wonder who Anonislamichan is.  Whoever it is, it’s someone who’s obviously been paying attention.

H/T to SubGeniusX at Free Republic.