Posts tagged ‘JihadJane’

Adding a new poster to my blog

Just a note that my friend HirabistHunter from YouTube has finally consented to join me in posting on my blog.  He now has access to post at will, and I wanted to introduce you to him.  As his name implies, he is a Hirabist hunter extraordinaire and has put a lot of time into finding violent hirabists (including the likes of “Jihad Jane” Colleen LaRose) online.  Welcome aboard sir!  Looking forward to your posts!

American Terrorists

Was doing some research for Internet Antropologist and found this very informative article.

We (and that’s a collective “we” including many different people and many different websites) have been saying this for a LONG time.  The violent postings of terrorist wannabe’s on the internet need to be taken seriously.  That’s why we’re so adamant that YouTube, Facebook and other social networks abide by their posted TOS.  The less outlets the terrorists have to congregate in, the more likely than can be caught.

Jihad’s Ugly American Face

…On July 10, Chesser was barred from boarding a flight New York to Uganda. According to an affidavit filed in the case, he admitted his intention was to travel to Somalia to fight for al-Shabaab. Chesser also said he brought his infant son with him as a cover “to avoid detection of his intention to join Al-Shabaab in Somalia,” the affidavit said.

Brachman calls would-be terrorists who graduated from posting jihadist rhetoric on the Internet to attempting to carry it out “jihobbyists.”

It is a fallacy to believe that such people don’t constitute a security threat. “There are so many [jihadists] that have a big online footprint before they go violent,” Brachman told the IPT.

For example, Faisal Shahzad, who pled guilty in the May Times Square plot, reportedly blogged on jihadist websites dating back to 2006. Hasan corresponded with Awlaki and other radicals via the Internet prior to the Fort Hood killings. Colleen LaRose, AKA “Jihad Jane,” posted frequently in favor of jihad prior to her arrest on charges of providing material support to terrorism and plotting to kill a Swedish cartoonist for depicting the prophet Muhammad.

The trend of American jihadists moving from advocacy to armed violence is likely to accelerate. For years, jihadists had accepted the concept that some of them would engage in violence while others could help with online advocacy, Brachman said. But he senses that this outlook is shifting dramatically. The turning point was a December 30 suicide bombing in Khost, Afghanistan which killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian official. The bomber was Humam al-Balawi, a double agent and a prolific jihadist blogger.

“That was a definitive moment for how jihobbyists thought of themselves,” Brachman told the IPT. In the wake of Balawi’s suicide attack, “the new mindset we’ve seen is that it’s no longer acceptable just to support violent jihad online.”

Jihad using the Internet and social media is now regarded “as a staging ground and not an end in itself,” Brachman said.

Go read the entire thing – it’s a who’s who of American terrorists.  And how they got there.

Linda G Richard on Trollwatch

Or, I see Vinnie everywhere!!  Oh nooooooo!


Linda G. Richard is running scared. She of Facebook hitlist fame is now turning on friends at Facebook because she thinks that they are Vinnie from Jawas! She’s pretty jumpy, that one!

Oh by all means!  Warn them!

LMAO!  They are eating their own!

Like the pictures your buds at RevolutionMuslim hotlinked from the Jawa Report?  Well tell those fun-loving terrorist buddies of yours to stop hotlinking and then their site won’t be filled up with such awful pictures!  LOL

Awwww!  Is poor little Umm Talhah wasting away whilst her momma’s boy is in jail?

Before we waste any sympathy on her, let’s remember that she allowed her husband to attempt to leave the country with their child, so that he could go join As-Shabaab in Somalia.  What, exactly, was the idiot going to do with the child once he got to the terrorist training camp?  Was he planning to just dump the kid in an orphanage somewhere, or worse, take him along on terrorist missions?

That question leaves you with a few possibilities…  One is that this was not a well-thought-through plan –which I don’t believe, because Zachie has demonstrated an ability to reason (although his conclusions are wrong) in many of his posts on the internet.  Or if it was well-planned, it’s even more chilling.  It means that the mother and father of this innocent child were willing to sacrifice his safety and welfare in order to fulfill their terrorist desires.  Talk about moral depravity – this takes the cake!

So no, we won’t be feeling sorry for wifey unless there’s some mitigating information that comes out — like maybe she turned her moron husband in for trying to take their kid to Somalia!  But until some information like that is revealed, fuggedaboutit.

Oh nooooes!  “These people” are running “amok!”  The sky is falling, the sky is falling!  Look Chicken Little, the person who started this targeting was YOU with your stupid “hitlist.”  And what was posted about “Sister Fatima” was not propaganda – she’s a terrorist wannabe who got busted and you can flap your idiot gums all you want to about that, but you can’t change the facts. And trust us, we’ll keep our eye on you AND your pals and learn everything we can.  That way we’ll be able to stop the next Colleen La Rose and Zachary Chesser.  Stick that in your hooka pipe and smoke it.

LOL  You are pathetic.  You’re all over the internet and you sign this with a fake name?  And oh – let’s not forget the mandatory disclaimer…

As IF you think this stupid disclaimer would protect you and your pals from consequences for the things that you post?  You really need to go back to law school and get some more education if you believe that one!

Zachary Chesser, Anwar Al-Awlaki and YouTube: Ah! Symbiosis!

I have been extremely busy with a bunch of personal stuff and haven’t had time to write.  I was actually taking a break with a pal last night and missed an interesting – and oh! so sweet! – bit of  news which I would normally have seen at the Jawa Report, but I got on email from a friend late last night.  It seems that RevolutionMuslim‘s South Park threatener Zachie-boy Chesser,  using his infant son as camouflage (what a typical terrorist thing to do huh?) tried to board a flight to Uganda with an ultimate goal of reaching Somalia to train and fight with al-Shabaab, which has ties to Al Qaeda.  There goes his “Father of the Year” award!

Apparently Zach has been ostracized by his family because of his extreme views and one report said that he had earlier tried to follow this path with his wifey Umm Talhah, but HER mommy stole her passport to prevent it.

His first attempt to join al-Shabab came in November, when he planned to travel with his wife to Kenya and make his way to Somalia, possibly by speedboat. But Chesser wrote in his journal – which he described as a “real-life ‘how-to guide’ on how to reach the fields of jihad” – that his mother-in-law took his wife’s passport and wouldn’t give it back, thwarting his plans.

I cannot tell you how funny I found that!  The big-man-on-campus Zachie, foiled by his mother-in-law!  (Go MOM!!!) Sounds like THAT would make an excellent South Park episode, doesn’t it?  This boy is a traitor of the first degree.  Let’s hope that the U.S. government gives him the proper punishment for being one.

The most disturbing part of the story to me is this – Zachie had had contact with none other the Al-Awlaki, the radical cleric who was recently added to the U.N.’s “Terror List” and is on the wanted dead or alive U.S. terror list.  Awlaki is in Yemen (reportedly.)  Just how would a cowardly cleric who won’t commit violence himself but incites others be able to influence a college aged kid who lives in Virginia?   The quick answer is “the internet:”

The terrorism-related charges against two Americans, both devotees of Mr. Awlaki, are part of a marked increase in homegrown extremism in the United States, often influenced by radical material on the Internet.

But no one seems to want to delve into the exact way that this happens on the internet.  I’ve been posting about this for a few years, and the folks at Quoth the Raven and The Jawa Report (among others) have been after it for WAY longer!  A quick and simple primer for how it happens is this:  the terrorist’s video tape their radical cleric and then the production wing of Al-Qaeda or whatever terrorist group they are with edits the video.  They then upload their propaganda – usually to a big uploading site (like megaupload or RapidShare.)  A little dweebie terrorist wannabe like Zachie Boy then goes to that site and downloads the video, uploads it to YouTube for free and easy video hosting and then embeds it in his blog so that all the other dweebie little terrorist wannabe’s can see it and get all jazzed up for jihad!  Seriously – if you want to see the dots connected for you, look here.

So just how easy is it to find Awlaki’s videos at YouTube?  Click here to see search results at YouTube — or try this one.  These videos are uploaded daily by users like DEENONLINE and Safallah7.  In Awlaki’s most recent foray into inciting the wannabes, he urges Muslims in the U.S. to wage jihad against the government.  The guy is serious and we need to take him seriously, because it’s rather obvious that his target audience does by the actions that they take upon being influenced by him.

What is it going to take for YouTube to take seriously their responsibility in this process? The FReeRepublic group and others have been flagging videos like crazy and YouTube has begrudgingly removed one or two videos here and there.  It seems that it goes through cycles.  Something happens like the arrest of JihadJane or the attempted bombing of a airline flight to Detroit and for a while they are fairly responsive to flaggings.  Then they sort of devolve into apathy until the next thing comes along.  NOT ACCEPTABLE! YouTube is aiding and abetting terrorists and their ability to recruit all over the world.  It’s time for them to get more aggressive about removing this stuff from their servers and STAY that way.  We’re flagging – it’s time for YouTube to hold up their end of the “community policing” terms-of-use bargain.



Just a thought.  Umm-Talhah should be charged with child endangerment unless she reported Zachie-boy’s hairbrained scheme to take their son to the land of Shabaab-Jihad.  Hope the authorities are on their game and I also hope “Hag-in-the-Bag’s” MOM gets custody – sounds like she’s one smart lady.  (Thanks to Urban Infidel for the lovely nickname for Zachie-boy’s wifey and also for the picture.)

YouTube: Still hosting videos for terrorists

I thought I’d post another “connect the dots” piece — YouTube IS the #1 hosting service for terrorist and terrorist sympathizing websites.  A quick perusal of various sites shows that most videos that are embedded on their sites are hosted at YouTube, with a smattering of LiveLeak and a few others.

Here’s an example of a YouTube video being embedded at several terrorist sites.   I started here:

I’ll save you from having to watch the whole thing — it’s loaded with
emotionally charged images, interspersed with a script that goes thru 20th century history (not sure of the veracity of all of the claims – a better historian than I might note bias – and then basically says that the khalifah and shariah will cure all the ills of society (including, of course, pedophilia – yeah, I am rolling my eyes as I type.)  It then encourages muslims to bring about this Islamic state so that it can be implemented throughout the whole world.  Here’s a definition for you of Khalifah:

the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth; “many radical Muslims believe a Khalifah will unite all Islamic lands and people and subjugate the rest of the world”

So even though this video, on it’s face, does not seem particularly violent or shocking, it is calling for Muslims to attempt to bring about this forced Islamic rule.  It uses the images and history “lesson” to stir up the emotions of the easily led – think Nidal Hassan or Colleen LaRose – and motivate them to action.  Propaganda for sure!  So where is this video being  used?  Well let’s just check that out…

Here it is at

Islamic Awakening

At – a Malay Islamic forum:

Ahh!  And our old “friend”


This is surrounded by articles that show sympathy for Colleen LaRose (JihadJane), exultation over the death of Mohammad Al-Muhajiri as being a “success” as a martyr and others.

And here we have the video at the “we share a dream” blog…

I don’t  have a translator for that language, but in case you’re not sure
what the blog supports, they have this a little farther down the page for

So how long is YouTube going to continue as a tool for the terrorists?
That’s a question that remains to be seen.   The problem is that
videos like the one featured here appear, at first glance, to be simply a
history lesson.  You have to pay attention to realize that that “history
lesson” is being used to incite violent jihad.  The key is the context.
And the context doesn’t lie at YouTube, it lies in the environment where the video is embedded.  It takes work to look this up, but anyone can do it.  I would urge any of you out there to see what you can discover – I think you’d be surprised how easy it is to find.  And then send your detailed complaints to YouTube via their flagging tool on each video you find linked in terrorist forums.  It’s a target-rich environment, and we can use all the  help we can get!

YouTube Smackdown on Fox & Friends

Colleen LaRose: YouTube’s homegrown terrorist

Wow – so there has been a lot going on today.  Please forgive the
rambling nature of this post – I am really trying to process all I am learning.
News came this afternoon of the arrest of Colleen LaRose.   That real-life name is synonymous with these YouTube screennames:

That’s a heck of a lot of YouTube accounts – and these are only the ones we
know about.  I first became aware of her activities at YouTube when she had the BeyondPrincess account.  I really just thought she was a blowhard who liked to sound tough on the internet – goodness knows she wouldn’t be the first for that!  But apparently, she was more of a threat than I gave her credit for…

When she was in her MZWIIDKAT incarnation, she began actively trying to raise funds for the Mujahideen.

I thought then that she had become bolder, but the news today still came as a surprise to me.  Yet another instance where YouTube is the clearinghouse for all sorts of terrorist contact, recruitment and even fund-raising.  How far will the next Colleen LaRose have to go before YouTube takes this seriously?

Because of my affiliation with YouTube Smackdown, I have been contacted by a couple news organizations, as have other members of the group.  They want to know who we are and what we do and why.  They want to know when we became aware of Colleen’s activities (looking back through emails it appears that it was between a year and a half and two years ago) and how we found her.

I want to know why they are just now asking these questions, when we’ve been at this for around two years just trying to get some people to take it seriously.  We cheered when Joe Lieberman took up the cause for a couple months and YouTube removed videos like crazy, but as soon as he focused elsewhere, YouTube slipped back into a less responsive role when we flagged terrorist videos.

I have several posts here on my site linking YouTube videos to known terrorist websites and forums – here are just a few of them:

I am just a mom in the midwest.  If I can find this stuff, I KNOW the
big guns can find it.  One of the news guys I spoke with today asked me how we find the videos to flag.  I just had to laugh.  I told him that all
you have to do is search YouTube for al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, Mujahideen or any number of keywords and you’ll see tons of videos that are in violation of both YouTube’s TOS and Executive Orders.

The next few days will be interesting, that’s for sure.