Posts tagged ‘al qaeda’

Victory in Libya

Yes, it’s a victory.  But for whom?  From the DailyMail….

Thank you NATO.  Thank you President Obama!  A victory in Libya indeed.

The black flag of Al Qaeda was hoisted in Libya yesterday as Nato formally ended its military campaign.

The standard fluttered from the roof of the courthouse in Benghazi, where the country’s new rulers have imposed sharia law since seizing power.

Seen as the seat of the revolution, the judicial building was used by rebel forces to establish their provisional government and media centre.
Read more.

America should be so proud of what our dear leader has wrought.

Gadahn Arrested?? Oh wait…bummer.

I have google alerts on any number of subjects, and this one came today….

American Born Al Qaeda Terrorist named Adam Gadahn Arrested in
By admin
American Born Al Qaeda Terrorist named Adam Gadahn Arrested in Pakistan Adam Gadahn an American born operative for al-Qaida has.
Watch Pakistani Videos –

Was getting a little excited until I clicked thru and found out it was the old story – again.  Bummer.    Someday he will be nabbed.  And it will be a good day!

American Terrorists

Was doing some research for Internet Antropologist and found this very informative article.

We (and that’s a collective “we” including many different people and many different websites) have been saying this for a LONG time.  The violent postings of terrorist wannabe’s on the internet need to be taken seriously.  That’s why we’re so adamant that YouTube, Facebook and other social networks abide by their posted TOS.  The less outlets the terrorists have to congregate in, the more likely than can be caught.

Jihad’s Ugly American Face

…On July 10, Chesser was barred from boarding a flight New York to Uganda. According to an affidavit filed in the case, he admitted his intention was to travel to Somalia to fight for al-Shabaab. Chesser also said he brought his infant son with him as a cover “to avoid detection of his intention to join Al-Shabaab in Somalia,” the affidavit said.

Brachman calls would-be terrorists who graduated from posting jihadist rhetoric on the Internet to attempting to carry it out “jihobbyists.”

It is a fallacy to believe that such people don’t constitute a security threat. “There are so many [jihadists] that have a big online footprint before they go violent,” Brachman told the IPT.

For example, Faisal Shahzad, who pled guilty in the May Times Square plot, reportedly blogged on jihadist websites dating back to 2006. Hasan corresponded with Awlaki and other radicals via the Internet prior to the Fort Hood killings. Colleen LaRose, AKA “Jihad Jane,” posted frequently in favor of jihad prior to her arrest on charges of providing material support to terrorism and plotting to kill a Swedish cartoonist for depicting the prophet Muhammad.

The trend of American jihadists moving from advocacy to armed violence is likely to accelerate. For years, jihadists had accepted the concept that some of them would engage in violence while others could help with online advocacy, Brachman said. But he senses that this outlook is shifting dramatically. The turning point was a December 30 suicide bombing in Khost, Afghanistan which killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian official. The bomber was Humam al-Balawi, a double agent and a prolific jihadist blogger.

“That was a definitive moment for how jihobbyists thought of themselves,” Brachman told the IPT. In the wake of Balawi’s suicide attack, “the new mindset we’ve seen is that it’s no longer acceptable just to support violent jihad online.”

Jihad using the Internet and social media is now regarded “as a staging ground and not an end in itself,” Brachman said.

Go read the entire thing – it’s a who’s who of American terrorists.  And how they got there.

Times Square

Just watching, like the rest of you, to see what comes out.    Internet Anthropologist Think Tank has some real time blogging while watching it unfold last night.  It certainly appears that the perpetrator was a rank amateur, much like the underwear bomber.  It will be interesting to see what fingerprints may be lifted from all that bomb stuff that was supposed to have ‘sploded.  It will also be interesting to see this unfold and find out if the same Al Qaeda trainers who trained Abdulmutullab for his 15 seconds of fame worked with this guy.

Busted! GMU Muslim Student Union has ties to Zachary Chesser

In spite of their claims to the contrary, of course.  Yeah, we know.  It’s ok to lie to kaffir.  Not only that, but Mr. I-live-at-mommy’s-house-with-my-wife Chesser (I can’t believe they take this loser seriously!) also has ties to…drumroll please…the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia — and that place is churning out radicalized domestic terrorists like nobody’s business.

Anwar al-Awlaki was Imam at the mosque between January 2001 and April 2002.[16] Fluent in English, known for giving eloquent talks on Islam, and with a mandate to attract young non-Arabic speakers, al-Awlaki “was the magic bullet,” according to mosque spokesman Johari Abdul-Malik; “he had everything all in a box.”[5] “He had an allure. He was charming.”[17]

He has been accused since of being a senior al-Qaeda recruiter and motivator linked to various terrorists, including three 9/11 hijackers, the accused Fort Hood shooter, and the accused Christmas Day 2009 bomber.[18][19][20]

Go read all of Stable Hand‘s post at Jawas — screenshots and proofs abound.  These dudes are so busted.

The Internet as a Terrorist’s Tool: An Emerging Battlefield

As we are reeling from the revelation of yet another attempted plot to assassinate Lars Vilks for his cartoon image of Mohammed as a dog, the media would have us believe that such “radical” and “extreme” violence is something new – something that has evolved in Islam over time.  Conversely, according to IslamWatch, “Muhammad’s life is a testament of ceaseless raids and plundering expeditions of highway caravans and waging wars against the infidel” in which “he himself had orchestrated more than one hundred raids, plundering expeditions and wars.”  In the days of Muhammed, groups of men required to meet together physically to plan and carry out their offensives.  From those fledgling days of congregated warfare, to yesterday’s small groups who trained together in order to execute their missions, to today’s “lone wolf,” the terrorists have shown an amazing ability to adapt to changing technologies.  The terrorist of the future will find the tools of the internet increasingly important for their “open source jihad.”  If we do not meet the terrorists on this internet battlefield, it will be at our own expense.

Mohammed had to hold planning meetings with his advisors, recruit men to follow him, institute training camps, and then follow through with his raids. Because of the lack of technology, all of these things demanded real, physical proximity. Fast forward to 1983.  An organization known as “Islamic Jihad” claims responsibility for the bombings of the Marine barracks in Beirut. Planning meetings for this were allegedly held in Damascus – a physical meeting place. In 1993, the first World Trade Center bombing was conducted by Ramzi Yousef and others.  Ramzi had spent time in Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and received explosives training there.  His uncle, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who funded the mission, began his jihad training in his youth and was also trained by Al Qaeda after personally meeting Afghan mujahid Abdul Rasul Sayyaf.  Khalid Sheik Mohammed went on to plan other terrorist attacks and eventually to mastermind the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks of 2001.  In 1998, the US Embassy bombings in Tanzania, Nairobi and Dar es Salaam were pulled off by 21 people associated with Egyptian Islamic Jihad – including Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.  The operatives for this attack had trained together at Hezbollah training camps in Lebanon.  While these groups were becoming increasingly efficient, there was still a need for centralized planning and human interaction in order to ensure success.

Today we are finding that the evolving state of terrorism is trending toward a “lone wolf” scenario.  On November 5, 2009, Nidal Hassan acted alone when he opened fire at Ft. Hood and killed 13 people and wounded 30 more.  It later turned out that Hasan had been in email contact with radical Islamic cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who is widely believed to be an al Qaeda recruiter.  In December of 2009, five American youths from Virginia were arrested in Islamabad, Pakistan, where they had tried to contact terrorist groups to volunteer for Jihad after having made email contact with Taliban organizations beforehand.  On Christmas Day of 2009, Nigerian-born Farouk Abdulmutallab, who had been in contact with Anwar al Awlaki in Yemen, tried to bring down an airliner over Detroit, but succeeded only in giving himself some nasty burns on his upper thighs, thereby earning himself the derisive nickname “the underwear bomber.”  Al Awlaki admitted when interviewed that he had “kept in contact” with Abdulmtallab.  Most recently, the YouTube hirabist Colleen “Jihad Jane” LaRose, whose  downward spiral was documented by members of Operation YouTube Smackdown, The Jawa Report, Quoth The Raven, Internet Anthropologist Think Tank and others, began an online relationship with terrorists, traveling to Europe to allegedly marry a foreign national in order to commit the murder of Lars Vilks of Sweden, hoping ultimately to become a martyr. She used internet chat rooms and emails to help organize the plan and recruit others into it.  In each of these cases, the internet has played an vital role in bringing together easily manipulated individuals and terrorist mentors.

As we look to the future, the trend away from centralization and toward individuals acting, seemingly on their own, is likely to continue.  Rather than converging en masse to strategize with one’s followers, a mentor now only requires a simple laptop and internet access or internet active cell phone whereby he may send instructions to would-be jihadis.  The terrorist blog (link anonymized) calls this “open source jihad” and explains that it benefits violent jihad because, among other things, it can be accessed anywhere with no physical gathering space necessary, people who are not very well educated can be easily motivated to fight, and that because of the nature of the internet it provides “amplified propaganda capabilities.”  Indeed, Anwar Al Alwiki, who had been in contact with both Nidal Hasan, the Ft. Hood shooter, and Farouk Abdulmutullab, the Christmas Day epic fail bomber, has produced a pamphlet outlining “44 Ways to Support Jihad,” (also found here and here on YouTube.)  Along with the admonitions of fundraising for the Mujahideen and encouraging others to fight in Jihad, number 29 is an item which he lists as “WWW Jihad.”  He calls these people the “internet mujahideen” and encourages them to establish discussion forums related to Jihad, to establish email lists, to post or email Jihad literature and news, and to set up websites related to Jihad.  These admonitions play directly into the activity we have seen on the internet, and will continue to do so in the future.

From the time of Muhammed, Islamic jihad has featured violence against non-believers which demanded tangible presence to be executed.   As terrorist movements become increasingly characterized by “lone wolf” scenarios and as radical Islamic clerics call for even greater use of technology to both join them together and also to spread propaganda, terrorist’s use of forums such as YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, LiveLeak and Facebook and any other internet technologies which evolve to encite and train their followers will become that much more important to their ability to conduct the business of terrorism.

These uses of technology and the internet must be taken seriously if we wish to impede the spread of terrorism. To disregard threats posed over the internet, which is emerging as a vital terrorist tool for battle, is to seal our own fate.


Contributions to this article were made by Andrea, Jer and bartender.

Enemedia’s aid and comfort is invaluable to our enemies and how I’m fighting back

No surprise from this chick ~ the Enemedia’s constant reporting on every terrorist incident is free PR ~ and as a result bolsters their morale and resolve. So says the New Media Journal in a piece called “The Incompetency of Jihad: Information Operation Failures.

The impact of Information Operations has been detailed in a previous NGIA, Inc. In-Depth Analysis report entitled “Al-Qaeda’s Reality.” The attention the media gives to terrorist incidents unfortunately emboldens the terrorists. For the most part, AQ has a very effective message laden with propaganda that gets unprecedented airplay. To get this type of exposure, a company would have to spend millions. A careful examination of the media coverage reveals a redundant analysis of terrorist incidents and what they mean without questioning the terrorist’s message.

Ah! The Enemedia lives up to it’s name, does it not?

The infowar is not lost however ~ YouTube hirabists have been feeling the pressure. Thanks to YouTube Smackdown and others, they are finding that YouTube is no longer the safe, comfortable recruiting environment it once was. You’d think that since YouTube is a US company on US servers it would be a no-brainer. *eyeroll* If you’d like to help with this effort, check out these sites:

Never give up, never give in. And most of all, never forget.
